Welcome to my Blog!

Hello fans and those alike!

Thank you for stopping by. This has me feeling very nostalgic. Taking me back to the blogspot days, the lookbook.nu days, the squarespace travel blog days.. 

And now for today, it’s DJ Kennedy writes her first blog on her DJ website day. And for some reason that is putting a very large smile on my face.

I want to share a little about my story, as people often ask me how did I become a DJ!

Well, the year was 2005, and LACMA had a grand opening. There was a lot going on but something drew me to DJ booth, something about the energy, the vibes, the music. I told my mom about my interest and she asked him for a card. He then handed her a card for Scratch Academy. That card hung on my bedroom wall for 13 years and through a move! 

In 2018 it was official, I was now a DJ student at Scratch Academy. A year later, I graduated as an official DJ. Through hustling, pursuing, and continually educating myself, I can say I am officially a DJ. There will always be room to be more but I am glad where I have taken myself thus far and very grateful that you are here to join me! 

DJ Kennedy 

LA based Female DJ 

But also an International, traveling, all over US DJ :)

black female dj

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